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Take A break be more productive

Aaryadev Sharma 18-Jan-2018 216

Would you like to be more productive? Keep your nose to the sharpner, or your fingers on the keyboard and your eyes on the screen. Because the more time you work, the more you’ll get it done, right?

Wrong. A growing body of evidence shows that taking regular breaks from mental tasks improves productivity and creativity and that skipping breaks can lead to stress which may leads to illness.

John P. Trougakos, an assistant management professor at the University of Toronto Scarborough Says “Mental concentration is similar to a muscle”. It becomes fatigued after sustained use and needs a rest period before it can recover, he explains — much as a weightlifter needs rest before doing a second round of repetitions at the gym.Human mind is very complex architecture which really need sufficient rest to work well.

When it comes to productivity and concentration, everyone has a different capacity. Management should encourage employees to devise individually effective break routines, Dr. Levine says. But he also has some general guidelines: try working in intense 15-minute bursts, punctuated by breaks, in cycles that are repeated throughout the day. This works because “the thought process is not designed to be continuous,” he says.“Long hours don’t mean good work — highly efficient, productive work is more valuable,” Dr. Levine says, and frequent breaks promote that. “The design of the human being is to be a mobile entity,” says Dr. Levine, who is also a proponent of standing, and even walking, while working and during meetings.

Taking a vacation will refresh the mind and will allow to take more new challenge . Stress releiving hikes visiting natural placess makes positive changes in body and mind.Harmons will be in balance along with Circadian rhythm , you will feel fresh , and your body will be ready for new challenge.
Take a break for yourself and be happy in life.

Going to the beach decreases your stress level by helping you unplug.

Unplugging is good for the mind, body and soul. According to a study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, staying constantly plugged in has been associated with stress, loss of sleep and depression.. Let go of the tablets and smartphones and allow yourself a technology-free escape to this oasis every once in a while to help you re-center. Seriously, don't even try to bring your devices to the beach -- as everyone knows, sand gets everywhere.

GYM Improves Muscles and Bones

Depending on the amount of resistance you use and number of repetitions you perform, you can build your muscle size, strength and endurance. You don’t have to lift heavy weights to improve your endurance or your ability to use your muscles over time. Even moderate resistance settings or amounts of weights will help you build muscle if you perform your exercises slowly and with proper technique. Exercise and post-workout stretching also help improve your muscle flexibility. Resistance and weight-bearing exercise also help improve bone density, according to the University of Arizona’s Bone Builders program.

Joining a gym adds a social element that can help motivate you to work harder to meet your goals. Spending money on a fitness center membership might also get you out of the house more often because you don’t want to feel you’ve wasted your money.